Charlotte Learning Collection

The Charlotte Learning Collection is about helping teach children to understand essential life values.

Charlotte Learns To Forgive


In this beautiful, heart-warming illustrated story – Charlotte Learns to Forgive – Charlotte decides to take her last candy cane to school, despite being told not to by her mum…

David’s plan is to take and eat her candy cane!

How will Charlotte deal with this emotion?

What will she tell Mum and how will she deal with the guilt for not listening to her?

Can she ever learn to forgive David for causing her all this upset?

Future Releases


Charlotte Learns To Share

In the story, Charlotte has been asked to share one of her two sunflower seeds with the new boy, Charlie. Charlotte knows this will reduce her chance of winning the Sunflower competition which she has been looking forward to the whole year! It’s just not fair, why does she have to share her seed? This is causing her much upset! 

What happens when she reluctantly shares her sunflower seed?

Does she become friends with the new boy, or does she dislike him even more?

Who will win the sunflower competition?

Can she learn that sharing is a gift which brings happiness to others?


Charlotte Learns not to follow peer pressure


In the story, Charlotte makes the decision to take the advice of her friend and deliberately cause damage to another child’s bicycle, despite sensing it wasn’t the right choice to make!

How will Charlotte feel after she carries out the wrong advice and, more importantly what will she tell her mum?

How will she deal with the guilt of hurting another child by her actions?

Can she learn from her mistake and make things right again?